Monday, June 30, 2008

Doctor Visit

Have you ever taken 3 children to the hospital- I dare you to try it!! Thank goodness for the toys

Last month we met with McKay's Neurologist at Primary Children's Hospital. The reason for the visit was to go over what you call- Status Epilepticus. what that is, is a continuous seizure activity that lasts at least 15- 20 minutes or a series of seizures that occur in rapid succession over a 20-30 minute period. Back in December he had a seizure that lasted about 60 minutes. Then in January he had one that lasted 70 minutes, and then in February he had another that lasted 80 Minutes. He has not had another since then. They increased his medicine quite a bit so hopefully that has solved the problem. He's currently on 7mls of Trileptal and 20 mls of phenobarb.
A drug called Ativan was given after each one of these seizures started- but for some reason it didn't stop it right off. The nurses and doctors still can't believe that he made it through that long of a seizure.

Givin' brother big loves!

Here we are all crammed into the tiny room

Doctor Filloux was so sweet to McKay and was so glad to hear that he has been seizure free for four whole months. I hope it never happens again... It's such a scary thing. When McKay has these seizures he never stops breathing. So that's one good thing. He just twitches all over, His eye's twitch really bad and his upper body twitches more than his lower, and his head shakes.

Drug levels may be obtained for the medications. A drug level is a blood test to determine how much of the prescribed drug is in the body. Blood can be taken every once in a while to measure the drug level. We went to the hospital today to do this. We should hear back shortly for the results. The last time we did a blood test the numbers were a little low so they increased his phenobarb from 10 mls to 20 mls. So we'll see what they say this time


MiandMiksmom said...

Three kids at the doctor? You are amazing! Thanks for the update! We love McKay so much!

Nan said...

Wow, I am amazed that you can take them all and Hannah looking so darn cute! We are so happy McKay is doing so well. You guys are great!

LoNi*-- said...

hEy tauna! just wanted to say helLO! its been a while agaIN! i hoPe everything is going good for you and your family! i Sure Do ♥ thEm to dEAth!* you GuyS are amAzing! Hope yOU have An IncrediblE day!!!!